简介:An English girl has her life uprooted by her mum the last year of High School. As if it wasn't hard enough leaving behind what is familiar, this small American town holds past memories for her as she spent years there as a child. Although, the hazy recollections and past history are only a small piece in the uncertainty of teenagehood.
简介:At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Scott a 22-year-old blockbuster actor has to find a girl whom he has a strange connection with before it's too late, while his mom catches a new strange virus.
简介:律师比利(罗伯特·约翰·伯克 Robert John Burke 饰)是一个体型硕大的胖子,他一直都在减肥,但从来没有成功。作为一名颠倒黑白的律师,他和检察官及法官的暗地勾结让他获得了不小的成功。一次交通意外中,比利撞死了一个吉普赛老妇人。在法庭上,借由职务之便,比利通过非法的渠道获得了无罪判决,对受害者亲人的愤怒和悲痛视若无睹。从此之后,好运似乎降临在了比利的身上,一直以来令他困扰的体重居然开始下降,同时,他还可以毫无顾忌的敞开肚子品尝人间美食。事态的发展逐渐超出了可控制的范围,短短几天之内,比利已变成一个骨瘦嶙峋的苍老男子,并且他的体重仍然在持续的下降,而参与不公正审判的同僚们也都出现了不同的病变,这令他明白,吉普赛人的诅咒并非空穴来风,而为了求生,他必须找到下诅咒的那个吉普赛人,并且请求他的原谅。
简介:故事发生在繁华都市芝加哥,在一片灯红酒绿之间,山姆(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)和妻子莱斯利(维多利亚·普罗费塔 Victoria Profeta 饰)背负着还房贷的巨大压力过着入不敷出的生活。一次偶然中,山姆驾车从立交桥下驶过,一笔巨款竟然从天而降,囊中羞涩的山姆无法对这笔不义之财视而不见,拿着这笔钱,他和妻子不仅还清了房贷,还买了一辆拉风的越野车。还沉浸在一夜暴富的喜悦之中的山姆没有发现,他早已大难临头。
简介:An ode to cinema as a sensation. A train thunders through a tunnel, seagulls screech above the water. An empty station, a bleak harbour and two lonely souls in a grey town. He’s an engine driver, she sells tickets for the ferry. He sees her every day in his train and is secretly in love. Is there hope for love in Athens?
简介:本片讲述了处于青春期躁动时期的性启蒙事例:生性腼腆的迈克(瑞恩•平克斯顿 Ryan Pinkston 饰)总是无法对暗恋女生表白;弗瑞德(迈克尔•塞拉 Michael Cera 饰)本想约会网恋女孩,却走错了房间;当查克(弗兰奇•莫尼兹 Frankie Muniz 饰)小心翼翼地试探女友南希(克里斯廷娜•迪罗萨 Christina DeRosa 饰)得到肯定后,他享受到了性爱的快感,然而对方如狼似虎的样子却令他仓皇逃窜……
简介:黑火药(迈克尔•加•怀特 Michael Jai White 饰)是黑人区知名的功夫高手、平民英雄。他的弟弟吉米新近被贩毒团伙杀害,同时掌握权势的参议员又取消了禁毒计划,结果导致街区毒品泛滥,于公于私,黑火药都必须捣毁贩毒团伙,然而和他一起参加过越战的中情局昔日同侪却警告他不能轻举妄动。这怎么可能阻止黑火药?这个到处留情身怀绝技的奇男子找来搭档“牛角”、“奶油玉米”,以及一票革命战士,向贩毒集团影响下的任何团伙发动了猛攻……他们从街头帮派一直杀到华人功夫集团,同时掌握了贩毒集团幕后人物意欲缩小黑人鸡鸡的极度邪恶计划,而此计划的策划人,分明指向了美国总统。那么,一场黑火药与美国总统之间的恩怨,将如何解决?
简介:人人都羡慕麦克尔森一家人。作为一家之主,艾利(阿伦·瑞克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)在职场上呼风唤雨,在学术上更有颇有成就,妻子萨莎(玛丽·斯汀伯根 Mary Steenburgen 饰)是著名的精神病学家,在行业内享有很高的名望,不仅如此,儿子巴克利(布赖恩·加连保格 Bryan Greenberg 饰)更是一位即将毕业的准博士,前途不可估量。
简介:A bittersweet comedy-drama about a struggling actor with multiple personality disorder whose three identities battle for control when he wins the lead role in a West End play and falls for the pretty makeup artist.
简介:郊外的一所大房子里,单身妈妈麦迪逊·海勒(艾丽·拉特 Ali Larter 饰)独自带着一双儿女雅各布(麦克斯·罗斯 Max Rose 饰)和海莉(科洛·佩林 Chloe Perrin 饰)过活。但是最近一段时间她饱受惊吓,因为在寂静的夜里,她和孩子们都曾目睹一个可怕的怪物在房间内出现。恐怖事件愈演愈烈,孩子们的身心受到极大创伤,海勒家的生活乱作一团。期间她也曾找过相关组织调查,但对方被吓得落荒而逃。在绝望的时刻,她只能选择相信男朋友尼古拉(阿俊·古普塔 Arjun Gupta 饰)。
简介:A couple on the verge of a nasty divorce attempt to sell their empty love nest and move on with their lives, separately. After a successful open house they are horrified to discover, days later, that a potential buyer didn't leave their home. While Alice is being held captive in the basement, the unannounced house guest moves in upstairs. She senses her capture is being kept a ...
简介:Peter, who was a teenager in the 50s, is reminiscing about the days of his youth, and his awakening sexuality. The film is based on Knut Faldbakken’s novel