简介:列宁格勒牛仔摇滚乐队的几个成员装扮怪异,戴大墨镜,烫飞机头,夸张的火箭鞋就是他们的标志。可在他们的家乡看不见事业成功的希望,于是他们决定转战美国寻求机会,在即将出发的前夜,贝斯手却被冻死,尽管如此,队员们还是将他装入了放满冰块的木箱中带上了旅途。此时同村的一个怪异的哑巴 偷偷跟随乐队来到了纽约。纽约的机会并不如他们想象的丰富,困窘的生活仍在继续,在他们走投无路之时,得到了一个来自墨西哥的婚宴演出机会。于是他们用仅剩的钱从一个美国售货员(吉姆•贾木许 Jim Jarmusch 饰)手中买了一辆旧车后继续向墨西哥进发,那里有他们最后的梦想……
简介:纽约探员尼克(迈克尔•道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)是个桀骜不驯的离异男子,他最近因渎职嫌疑被风纪部门调查。某日尼克与搭档文森(安迪•加西亚 Andy Garcia 饰)在一家餐厅中偶然遇到日本黑帮的内部火并,二人虽将主犯佐藤(松田优作 饰)捕获,但佐藤抢到的神秘块状物却不翼而飞。日本方面要求引渡佐藤,尼克和文森只得押解佐藤到达大阪,岂料在飞机场,尼克误将佐藤交给了乔装后的黑帮分子。不甘心失去人犯的尼克和文森以观察员的身份,在日方助理兼翻译松本正弘(高仓健 饰)协助下继续调查佐藤一案,他们发现佐藤正与大老板菅井为了制造假钞的铜板火并。不久,文森被佐藤一伙杀害,尼克的处境也愈发艰难,但他固执的要在晦暗的陌生城市中抓到凶手……
简介: Carl Hamilton (Coq Rouge, Swedens James Bond) is called before KU (Swedens answer to the American congressional hearing) to answer questions about a spy war between Sweden and the Soviet Union.
简介:Visions of Ecstasy, an experimental art film made in 1989, is the only film ever to have been banned outright in the UK solely on the grounds of blasphemy. Further, its depiction and interpretation of the erotic imaginings of the 16th Century Carmelite nun, St. Teresa, were such that the film's banning was upheld in an historic judgment at the European Court of Human Rights in ...
简介:Raymond Derek is a up and coming hotshot young politician who seems to have it all. A great career, a wife, friends and a expensive home. But that all changes when he encounters sexy cabaret singer Angie. The two begin a steamy affair until the press find out and it becomes front page news. As his life falls to pieces, Raymond and molikan.com Angie try to build a life together,...